What is Somatic Movement?
Nina Madsen Puckett, RSME/T, CMA, LMT Nina Madsen Puckett, RSME/T, CMA, LMT

What is Somatic Movement?

Somatics is an up and coming field of study that focuses on the body, and in somatic movement therapy, slow and intentional movement exercises are taught and performed, focusing on the internal experience (rather than the outward aesthetic or how it looks). The goal is to create a sense of embodiment, or being fully present in one’s body and creating a solid mind-body connection.

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Bartenieff Fundamentals - A Brief Overview
Nina Madsen Puckett, RSME/T, CMA, LMT Nina Madsen Puckett, RSME/T, CMA, LMT

Bartenieff Fundamentals - A Brief Overview

The Bartenieff Fundamentals are a series of exercises and explorations designed and created by Irmgard Barteniff, who was a physical therapist and protege of Rudolf Laban. She took Laban’s existing work and expanded it further, focusing on many different aspects of the body itself.

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