
Guiding movers towards reaching their maximum function and expression.

Our Mission

To provide private and group somatic movement classes and workshops that guide movers towards reaching their maximum physical function and artistic expression.

Our Vision

Empowering movers to deepen their mind-body connection and develop their own unique, authentic, and artistic voice through the art of somatic movement, in a supportive, nonjudgmental, and nurturing environment.

  • "Nina's session helped me to be more aware of my anatomy, and how to move my body in ways that are safe and healthy rather than forced. I felt more capable and in control of my physicality, as well as more conscious of where the action comes from. In Nina's session, I felt that I could release stress and become more present through movement.

    — April R.

  • "Nina's sessions are an integrative approach to mind-body wellness through movement. With expert knowledge and a gentle approach, she guides you through each exercise while explaining how and why that particular exercise is beneficial to you. I have a session once a month but have incorporated the exercises into my daily routine (takes less than 10 minutes). What is so amazing is that within a month of my first session, my physical issues improved, my energy level has dramatically increased and I'm feeling better than I have in years!!"

    — Debbi A.

  • "Nina creates a safe environment for exploration and growth as she provides a fusion of extensive knowledge with her nurturing presence. I found the session with her illuminating and expansive, and I'm looking forward to continuing to learn!"

    — Cari W.